Self-Injury recovery & awareness (SIRA) IS A NON-PROFIT dedicated to helping People recover from self-Injury.
Mondays, 9 pm ESt, Ages 30+ peer support, for ages 30+
Tuesdays, 8 pm EST, teen peer support, for ages up to 19
WEDNESDAYS, 9:30 PM EST, Ages 16+
THURSDAY (1X MONTH), 9 pm EST, SIRA literature “layers to Discovery” journaling meetings. ONLY The first Thursday of the montH, all ages.
Saturdays, 4:30 pm EST, ages 16+ (open meeting)
SUNDAYS, 12 pm EST, ages 16+
Time Zone Converter Here.
*Saturday meetings are open meetings, meaning those who do not have lived experience may observe.
Virtually Via zoom
*Anyone interested in attending a meeting must fill out our screening form here to join.

Layers to Discovery
Layers to Discovery is the core philosophy of SIRA. It is our tailor-made literature for the self-injurer psyche. It has great potential to guide those in need to find freedom within themselves.